Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I got the part as the 'Fox" that I auditioned for....

So, I just got the call last night from Director, Nick regarding the part I auditioned for as the "Fox" in Pinoccio. I was under the impression that was going to be seen at one theatre only in midtown. But after reviewing the show dates (and locations) this is going to be a traveling show, mostly to local schools and nursery's. No complaints, it's just not what I expected.
But for now, I have work out a schedule with the other person playing the Fox, Megan when I'm not available, this way, we can both attend to our other jobs on the side and still do this play.
Will have the details and locations soon so if you want to attend, you can.

Oh, yeah, I'm back in NYC and my trip was fast, mostly because I was asleep through most of it. Took the 4:30am and got in town just before 1pm and now I am ready to Celebrate News Years tonight with some of my bestest friends.
Video and pics of that most likely tomorrow. lol.



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